Yvonne Elder Chase, PhD, LCSW, ACSW

Dr. Yvonne Elder Chase, PhD, LCSW, ACSW is a Professor at the University of Alaska, Anchorage. She received her PhD from Norfolk State University and her MSW from Howard University. Her extensive leadership experience at the NASW chapter and national levels included: president of the Alaska chapter, member of the boards of NASW and the NASW Assurance Services, Inc., chair of the NASW National Committee on Inquiry and the Task Force on Professional Review; member of the NASW Foundation Gosnell Memorial Scholarship Panel and the NASW Competence Certification Commission renamed the Credentialing Committee. Currently she serves as board member & treasurer, NASW Assurance Services, Inc. Organizational affiliations include the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE), Global Alliance for Behavioral Health and Social Justice (Formerly American Orthopsychiatry Association), and editorial board for the Journal of Child Abuse & Neglect. Chase has obtained the LCSW in the State of Alaska and holds NASW’s ACSW credential.

Professional Liability

Are you protected from legal action due to negligent acts, errors, and omissions, and frivolous lawsuits?

General Liability

Are you protected if someone is injured in your office or while leaving or entering your building?

Cyber Liability

Are you protected if confidential client data is copied, transmitted, stolen, or used by any unauthorized individual?